
Since I was young I’ve had burning desire to share my wonder of the natural world with others. At WildBear I get to express that passion through the most powerful medium on the planet—film and television.

Dr. Chadden Hunter is an Australian wildlife biologist and filmmaker. After completing a PhD on gelada baboons in Ethiopia, Chadden worked with National Geographic and Discovery Channel, filming everything from tribal ceremonies in Africa to snow leopards in Pakistan. On the BBC series “Planet Earth” he became known as ‘the guy covered in bat poop’, and whilst filming arctic wolves for “Frozen Planet” learnt that minus 40C was cold enough to freeze his eyes shut.

His credits include Producer/Director on “Planet Earth 2”, “Seven Worlds-One Planet”. Director/Executive Producer on “The Platypus Guardian” (ABC/PBS), Co-Series Producer of BBC’s “Wild Arabia” and National Geographic’s “Cliffhangers”. Principal Director of “Wild Arabia” and “Frozen Planet” series. Collectively, the series he has worked on have won 12 Emmys and 8 Baftas.