Caiman. Cape Tribulation, Australia.
  • Natural History
  • Science & Engineering

Surviving Australia

Australia is the land of the lethal. From death-rolls to drought, bushfires to brown snakes, floods to funnel webs, cyclones to sharks...if the climate doesn’t kill you, the critters might. Brave survivors recount their first-hand experiences and experts reveal what it takes to survive Australia. Read more

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  • Feature
  • Science & Engineering

Rachel's Farm

Director and actress Rachel Ward is the last person you’d expect to join a farming revolution. In this triumphant film, she voyages from her wilful ignorance about the impacts of farming to championing a movement to restore the health of farmland, food and climate. Read more

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  • Feature
  • Natural History
  • Science & Engineering

Revealed: Reefshot

The incredible true story of the Great Barrier Reef, and the local heroes trying to save it from climate change. Read more

  • Science & Engineering

Invisible Wars

Invisible Wars is a gripping 3-part science series that tracks global epidemics and explores the way that science has helped us fight back against the world's most deadly infectious diseases. Read more

  • Science & Engineering

The Chemical World

For fifty thousand years, humans have grappled the big questions – why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Scientists have sought out the evidence. This is the story of the remarkable breakthroughs that have revealed how the chemistry that shaped our planet gave rise to all life on earth. Read more

  • Science & Engineering

Decoding Danger

Apocalyptic fire storms, raging floods and the most venomous creatures in the world. We dig deep into the science behind nature's greatest threats, to find ways to stay safe, in Australia and around the world. Read more

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  • Natural History
  • Science & Engineering

The Poles Revealed

How do people survive and thrive in the most extreme landscapes in the world? Read more

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  • Science & Engineering

The Human Revolution

Have you ever wondered where we came from? Or what makes us truly human? Hosted by AACTA-nominated actor, presenter and proud Nyikina man, Mark Coles Smith, The Human Revolution is an in-depth 2-part series which traces our human origins from our rise in Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago. Read more

  • History
  • Science & Engineering

How To Build A City

Cities are the future of humanity. The only viable way to accommodate - and sustain - a global population trending towards ten billion by the turn of the century. As we inevitably race towards a more urbanised future, there is much to learn from the present and the past; from the ‘HOW, the NOW and the WOW’ of building the greatest cities in the world. Read more

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  • History
  • Science & Engineering

Guns That Changed The Game

As each new century unfolded, guns increasingly shaped the way battles were fought and borders were drawn. The quest to create more innovative and lethal weapons became more and more contested. These are the Guns the Changed the Game. Read more

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  • Science & Engineering

Building To The Sky

Like giant exclamation marks, skyscrapers punctuate the story of our urban development and plot the evolution of inspired technologies, born from the genius of imagination. Read more

Petronas Twin Towers at sunset
  • Science & Engineering

World's Greatest Engineering Icons

From the Great Pyramid of Giza & Stonehenge to Buckingham Palace & the White House, the world is full of extraordinary buildings that soar and inspire; monumental marvels that have become cornerstones of our heritage and culture. World’s Greatest Engineering Icons explores the artistry, ingenuity, engineering and technology behind humanity’s greatest architectural accomplishments; the structures that define who we are, what we believe in and all we aspire to achieve. Read more

  • Science & Engineering

Our Brain

Our Brain is an owner’s manual for our most enigmatic organ, highlighting breakthrough discoveries that will help you learn faster, remember more, sleep better, manage your emotions, change your habits, be more productive and ultimately understand what it means to be you. Read more

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  • Science & Engineering

Home: The Story of Earth

Hosted by award winning Science and Technology Journalist Rae Johnston, Home: The story of Earth takes a deep dive into the 4-billion-year-old story of our planet, uncovering the discoveries and breakthroughs that have revealed how Earth’s unique geology, atmosphere, oceanography and geochemistry all intertwine to make Earth the only planet we know if that is habitable, and how these critical natural systems are now under threat, and changing all too rapidly as a result of human activity. Read more

  • Natural History
  • Science & Engineering

Human Animal

What special traits make humans unique in the animal kingdom? Read more

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  • Science & Engineering

Beyond Our Earth

Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity’s journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of the cosmos. Read more

  • People & Places
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  • WildBear International

Mega Mechanics

Aussie Mega Mechanics - Big Machines. High Stakes. Tight Deadlines. Read more

  • Science & Engineering
  • WildBear International

Demolition Down Under

Danger, drama and destruction. Big machines and brave crews causing maximum mayhem. Read more

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  • History
  • Science & Engineering

Killing Machines

Be they simple tools or feats of engineering and science, killing machines have always been at the forefront of engineering and innovation. Read more

  • History
  • Science & Engineering

Supersize Structures

Many of mankind's ideas to build big seem impossible. In Supersize Structures we look at when the impossible became the inevitable, from ancient temples to skyscrapers and spacecraft. Read more

  • Science & Engineering

Australia Doesn't Just Want to Kill You

In Australia Doesn’t Just Want To Kill You we look at some of the extraordinary and extraordinarily deadly Aussie wildlife that, with a little ingenuity, are proving as helpful as they are harmful. Read more

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  • People & Places
  • Science & Engineering

Beneath New Zealand

Exploring the most geologically significant parts of New Zealand, and their influences on the landscape, climate, environment, and culture of the country. Read more

  • People & Places
  • Science & Engineering

Save your life tonight

Filmed in front of a live studio audience, Save Your Life Tonight is a unique new series that takes the top ten health issues facing Australians today and explores them in an interactive and entertaining way with charismatic host Andrew Daddo. Read more